Today, Fábrica Argentina de Aviones "Brig. San Martín" SA delivered to the Argentine Air Force two IA 63 Pampa III - Block II aircraft and the first set of pylons nationalized in FAdeA.

Both aircraft, one from production and the other fully modernized in our facilities in Cordoba after more than 15 years out of service, took off from FAdeA to integrate the X Brigade in Rio Gallegos and strengthen protection at borders.

The aircraft were delivered under Block II configuration, a state-of-the-art technological upgrade, which includes virtual training software and a communication system that increases its versatility as light attack and advanced training aircraft. This ensures that our pilots receive state-of-the-art training that prepares them to join the fleet of F16 aircraft soon to be incorporated into the Argentine Air Force.

At the same time, the delivery of the first set of nationalized pylons by FAdeA has allowed the development of a new capacity that will allow incorporation of this nationally produced system to every Pampa aircraft, so that they can be equipped with weapons.

During the delivery ceremony, the president of FAdeA, Fernando Sibilla stated the company's commitment to the enhancement our country's Armed Forces and added that “FAdeA's current management is working hard to generate the operative and strategic conditions that will guarantee the company's competitive autonomy in an irreversible way, for this reason an operative efficiency plan has been implemented that is already bearing fruit, a proof of which is the finalization and delivery of these products". And added “with the aim of strengthening the productive matrix of the aerospace sector, actions are being carried out to obtain new business with new customers and achieve the company's sustainability".

After the ceremony, the authorities visited Hercules C130 maintenance areas, and were briefed on the tasks being carried out on Pampa aircraft, the manufacture of assemblies for Embraer C390 aircraft, engine and rotables maintenance activities for the Argentine Air Force, and large aircraft painting activities currently underway for Aerolineas Argentinas.


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